Season 4,

episode 106 / Men In Relationships PART 1

February 26, 2020
episode 106/ SEASON 4
February 27, 2020

Men In Relationships


Show Notes


Listen in this week for part 1 of an interview where the therapists talk with Alistair- a therapist and colleague who’s worked for years specifically with men and their anger issues.

Learn how the men in his practice have learned to deal with their anger and their needs in relationships and where their issues originally stemmed from.

If you’ve struggled with anger in your life, don’t miss parts 1 and 2 of this fascinating interview.

Resources Mentioned in Podcasts

Markway, B. (January 2014). How to crack the code of men’s feelings.


Moes, A. & Proano, A. (2020). Healing anger: Transforming anger into growth.
Self published. or


Moes, A. & Proano, A. (2020). Lose your temper: A conscious exploration of anger.
Self published. Contact or






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