Season 4,

episode 086 / One is the Loneliest Number

October 09, 2019
episode 86 / SEASON 4
October 9, 2019

One is the Loneliest Number.


Show Notes


This week, as a special thanksgiving episode, the therapists dish and dive about loneliness.

Pam and Iona discuss the difference between being alone and being lonely and reminisce about times in their lives when they’ve felt lonely. They dive into the literature and learn that there’s a difference between being  alone and feeling lonely.

They’re not the same! Listen in and learn.


Resources Mentioned in Podcasts

Canadian Mental Health Association – B.C. Division (not stated). Coping with loneliness.


Dawson, K. (September 2019). How to combat loneliness when you finally live alone: Think about all that self-care time.


DeKoven Fishbane, M. (2013). Loving with the brain in mind: Neurobiology and couple therapy. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and company Inc. (pp 62-65).


Kay, B. (August 2019). Loneliness is a human catastrophe – and its getting worse.



Little, N. (Fall 2019). Repairing Loneliness: Radically open dialectic behavior therapy. Insights: The BC Association of clinical counsellors’ magazine.


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